Shiner Bock Brewey Ride

Event date: 
Sat, 07/22/2023 - 9:00am

Since 1909, every drop of Shiner Beer has been brewed at the

Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Texas (population 2,069).

Today, our little brewery sends more than 6 million cases of delicious

Shiner beer to states across the country.

We think our founder, Kosmos Spoetzl, would be pretty proud.

Meet Up Tme/Location: 09;00am, Buc-ee's 40900 S 290 (362 & 290), Waller, Tex, 77484

KSU: 09:30am

Route link is:Shiner Brewery (

Substance use identified during any Chapter ride will result in expulsion from that ride.

Event location:
Shiner Bock Brewery (361) 594-3852
603 East Brewery St.
Shiner TX 77984

Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member.  All guests must sign an event release. Be aware, all rides and events are subject to change or cancellation due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control.

Event Coordinator: 
Manuel Pena

Impairment Policy:  The consumption and/or use of intoxicating substances such as alcohol or drugs is a serious personal responsibility involving the safety of family, riding friends and the individual HOG member. Consumption of such substances before or during a motorcycling activity is not safe, responsible behavior. Houston Area #1 H.O.G. Chapter #5255 does not allow the use of alcohol, drugs, or intoxicating substances before or during a riding event and does not furnish those at Chapter rides. Riders whose skills are observed or suspected to be impaired before riding cannot join the ride. Riders using alcohol, drugs, or intoxicating substances while riding will be asked to leave the ride. It is the responsibility of each Chapter member to support the consistent enforcement of this policy.

Minor Release Form:  Minors may only participate in Chapter Rides/ Events with the appropriate signed form located here.  Form must be signed by parent or legal guardian.